Fat cat绘本朗读

  • Dead Cat Bounce

    英文名称:Dead Cat Bounce 中文名称:死猫式反弹/超跌反弹技术分析用语。指价格持续暴跌后快速小幅反弹,这种情况下通常缺乏基本面因素支持,主因是技术面超跌。一般情况下,出现超···

    2022-01-05 14:01:30
  • Catastrophe Bond - CAT

    英文名称:Catastrophe Bond 中文名称:灾难债券一种收益较高的债务工具,发行此债务工具主要是为了应付出现自然灾害的资金需求。此种债务工具一般设有特殊条款,当发行人遭受既定···

    2022-01-05 14:03:29
  • Fat Cat

    A slang word used to describe executives who earn what many believe to be unreasonably high salaries and bonuses. These top executives also receive generous pe···

    2022-01-05 14:39:03
  • Cat Spread

    A cat spread is a type of derivative traded on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) that takes the form of an option on a catastrophe futures contract. In other w···

    2022-01-05 16:04:29